
Multiple timer app windows 7
Multiple timer app windows 7

For Office, everything is located in C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Officexx if you installed the 64-bit version or C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft Office\Officexx if you installed the 32-bit version. If this is the case, you have to manually go and look for the EXE file on the system. Note that there are certain shortcuts where the Target box will be empty like shown below, mostly with Microsoft Office programs.

multiple timer app windows 7

Now all I need to do is look at the path in the Target box and simply copy and paste that into my batch file script.

multiple timer app windows 7

For example, if I wanted to know the path to the executable file for Firefox, I would right-click and choose Properties. You can always find the path of a program by right clicking on the icon and going to Properties. “App Path” – The last parameter is the actual path to the executable file for the program. You can put any name you like here since it only uses this parameter for title purposes. “App Name” – The second parameter is the name of the application you are going to be opening. Start – That is the command used in batch files to open programs There are three parts to each command above, which I explain below: Start “Foxpro” “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Visual FoxPro 9\vfp9.exe” Start “Outlook” “C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\Office12\Outlook.exe” Start “Chrome” “C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application\chrome.exe” The next three lines would look like this:

multiple timer app windows 7

So in our example, I want to open Firefox, Outlook, and Foxpro. Now we need to actually call the executable for each of the three programs that we want to open. Copy and paste the line below as the first line in the offĮcho off basically tells Windows to not give you any messages or popup windows when running the commands in the batch file.


You can create batch files in Windows very easily and all you need to create them is Notepad! Also, I cover how you can use Task Scheduler to run your batch file when your computer boots so that the programs start without even having to click once! How to Create a Batch File in Windows

Multiple timer app windows 7